Solve GeeTest captcha

This type of task solves GeeTest captchas in our workers' browsers. Your app submits the website address, gt key, and challenge key and, after task completion, receives a solution consisting of 3 tokens. For GeeTest version 4, output consists of 5 values and a challenge key is not required.

GeeTest captcha example

Task object

websiteURLStringYesAddress of a target web page. Can be located anywhere on the web site, even in a member area. Our workers don't navigate there but simulate the visit instead.
gtStringYesThe domain public key, rarely updated.
challengeStringNoChanging token key. Make sure you grab a fresh one for each captcha; otherwise, you'll be charged for an error task. Required for version 3. Not required for version 4
geetestApiServerSubdomainStringNoOptional API subdomain. May be required for some implementations.
GeeTest V3 example
versionIntegerNoVersion number. Default version is 3. Supported versions: 3 and 4.
initParametersObjectNoAdditional initialization parameters for version 4

Request example (V3)

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -X POST -d '{
    "softId": 0
}' createTask

GeeTest V4

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -X POST -d '{
            "initParameters": {
              "riskType": "slide"
    "softId": 0
}' createTask

Task solution object (V3)

challengeStringHash string required for interacting with the submit form on the target website.
validateStringHash string which is also required.
seccodeStringAnother required hash string; we have no idea why there are 3 of them.

Task solution object (V4)


Response example (v3)


Response example (v4)

        "captcha_id": "fcd636b4514bf7ac4143922550b3008b",
        "lot_number": "354ab6dd4e594fdc903074c4d8d37b24",
        "pass_token": "b645946a654e60218c7922b74b3b5ee8e8717e8fd3cd5182a5c98d660bbd1ed5",
        "gen_time": "1649921519",
        "captcha_output": "cFPIALDXSop8Ri2mPABbRWzNBs86N8D4vNUTuVa7wN7E...[cut]...ciM50ePCCzLBZ1bmaV9Yt7IkkFI9Emx4eaP8rRoA=="